Author: Paul

Tri-State event at Steinway Billiards

  1st Juan Guzman -2 nd Allison LaFleur Juan Guzman undefeated in Tri-State at Steinway Billiardsards, Astoria (Queens), NY). Juan’s tournament trail included wins over Joe Mazzeo 8 – 5; Philip Pearce 8 –...

Clifton 9-15-19 9 Ball-Tri-State

L2R 2nd IIija Trajceski 1st Ricardo Mejia It was a local players day to shine as Clifton gathered 24 players for Sunday 9 ball Tournament. Ricardo Mejia would end the day defeating IIija Trajceski...

Billy Thorpe Joins the Cuetec Pro Team

Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, September 11, 2019 – Cuetec and Imperial are proud to announce that Billy Thorpe has joined the Cuetec Team of Professional Players and Brand Ambassadors.   “We’re thrilled to have Billy...

Van Boening Wins Fifth Turning Stone Title

Here is the complete order of finish for our Joss Northeast 9-Ball Tour’s, “Turning Stone Classic XXXII 9-Ball Open”, which was held August 22-25, 2019. The event was $25,000 added with a total prize...

Poison Lone Star Tour Results 8-3-19

Will-FelderJames-Davis, SrMickey Verenski came from behind to win the 69-player, amateur 9-ball division, and Will Felder followed suit, in the 64-player, open 9-ball division, at the seventh stop on the 2019 Poison Lone Star...

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