Author: Paul
3-Cushion events at the Super Billiards Expo
18 and under 3-Cushion Clinics- Tournaments with Champions-3-Cushion Open Tournaments.
TopRack Pro and TopRack Recreational are guaranteed to give you better more consistent breaks. TopRack Pro and TopRack Recreational are guaranteed to give you better more consistent breaks. Here is why: VISIBILITY – with...
Sklyer, Wins Music City Open 2016
Sklyer, Woodward, proud winner of the Music City Open and J.O.B. Mini Tournamet Justin Bergman $4000 They were two separate Mid Night Madness events-Justin Bergman won and Shane Winters won. Shane Winters $400 Click...
The Rushville Billiard Club – A Labor of Love
The Rushville Billiard Club – A Labor of Love In a couple of ways, the Rushville Billiard Club and the competition taking place there these days reminds us veteran pool players of a long-ago...
THE MOSCONI CUP returns to London
2016 Mosconi Cup Tickets on sale this Friday THE MOSCONI CUP returns to London in December as Team Europe look to level the overall score to 11-11 after an 11-7 success over Team USA...
Results of Amazing Billiards 3-Cushion Qualifier
Amazin Billiards hosted a National Qualifying Tournament on Sunday, January 10th and 10 players made their way from numerous states to compete. Here’s a list of players and their home state. Flight A:...
Ina Kaplan and Roman Hybler are German Tour Champions
Ina Kaplan and Roman Hybler are German Tour Champions DARMSTADT, GERMANY (January 11, 2016) – McDermott Cue Mfg., LLC is a leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of pool cues, performance shafts and billiard accessories....
First Official Junior State Championship Scheduled for 2016
Wisconsin Junior State 8-Ball Championships to happen at Badger State Games December 5, 2015 (Denver, CO): The first-ever Wisconsin Junior State 8-Ball Championships will take place Saturday, January 23 during the 2016 Badger...
McDermott Announces Free Cue Giveaway for January 2016
MENOMONEE FALLS, WI (January 1, 2016) – McDermott Cue Mfg. LLC is a leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of pool cues, performance shafts and billiard accessories. McDermott is proud to announce the Custom Cue...
The Draw Curve
205 The draw curve Shooting in the rail with draw makes the cueball path curve. Here you not only escape without hitting the 4-ball by compressing the rubber, you hit the 3-ball at the...
3-Cushion Instructional Article
Shots from Master Play- Robert Brynes One of my hobbies is attending three-cushion billiard tournaments and making diagrams of unusual or instructive shots. The shot in Diagram is from a 1979 tournament held at...