Category: 3Cushion

A Message From The USBA President

At the USBA National Tournament (June 6-11), the USBA will honor a great supporter and lover of the game, the late Robert Byrne. As an author, scholar, historian, and player, he will be sorely...

Pedro Piedrabuena Wins the 2017 USBA Nationals

Nationals Recap Left to Right-Craig Powers, Jae Hyung Cho, Pedro Piedrabuena, Mazin Shooni, Miguel Torres Hugo Patino, Anthony Ferrara, Frank Torres, Camilo Medina, Tung Nguyen, Joseph DeAmato, Robert Spicknall Pedro Piedrabuena Wins the 2017...

Here are some photos behind the scene setting up.

  Nationals Recap Pedro Piedrabuena is our new champion for 2017 after impressing players and spectators alike at the USBA Nationals with a nearly flawless performance. Undefeated throughout the preliminaries and the finals, Pedro...

USBA News-Letter April/May 2017

Check out the USBA Newsletter and find out where the National Qualifiers are going to be. The USBA Nationals will be held on June 6-11th at the DelSol Casino in Tucson, AZ CLICK ON...

Final 3-Cushion Qualifier Results

12 players entered the qualifier with 2 Flights of 6 players.  Top 2 Players from each flight advanced to the U.S.B.A Nationals to be held June 6-11 at the Del Sol Casino in Tucson,...

National Qualifier events.

ATTENTION ALL ROOM OWNERS – ATTENTION ALL PLAYERS Qualify early for the 2017 USBA 3-Cushion National Championship to be held in Tucson Arizona June 6 – 11, 2017 at the Casino Del Sol Resort....

USBA Gabriels Open Tournament

Check out the result of the Flow Charts Below & the Photo Gallery                                             ...

Winner of “B” event – Jesus Quinonez

Winner Jesus Quinonez Front left to right- Winner Jesus Quinonez, 2nd Ertan Tarhan, Ray Raskin, Mercedes Gonzalez    2017 USBA Gabriels Tour – “B” Tournament Group photo 40 players. All results will be updated...

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