Category: 3Cushion

Professor-Q-Ball 3-C Challenge A Great Success

During the first two nights of the preliminary rounds at this year’s USBA national three-cushion championship, pool players lined up three deep to accept Professor-Q-Ball’s challenge: a race to five against one of the billiard players in the tournament, with the pool player getting the break shot and some instruction from a three-cushion player.

“Do unto others…” 3-Cushion

“Do unto others…” 3-Cushion

By Bert van Manen

Frédéric Caudron is still a young man (Jan. 1968), but he has experience beyond his years. No, this is not a quip about his love-life, and it has nothing to do with his business ventures. It is not even about those estimated 500 caroms a week for 30 years, matches and practice hours combined, which is three quarters of a million points in his memory banks. I am referring to just the last few weeks of his life, wherein two things happened that may never happen to another human being. For those who missed it, here are the plain facts.

The stick we never seem to be able to stick with By Bert van Manen

Our prized posession, our trusted friend, the tool of our craft. Most of us even own more than one, and they are good ones. We are like a chef and his knives, or a Tiger and his woods. Billiard players relate to their cue as to their car: not only should it get them from A to B, it should also tell the world who they are.


Amazin Billiards Warm up for USBA NATIONALS

MALDEN ““ Four US Champions will battle it out in one of the most difficult billiard sports around as they warm up for United States Billiard Association (USBA) Three-Cushion championship in a special tournament at the exclusive club, A’Mazin Billiards.

Pedro Piedrabuena Wins at Hard Times

Pedro Piedrabuena demonstrated his incredible billiard skills as he cruised to another victory going undefeated in the USBA Tour Open Tournament At Hard Times Billiards in Bellflower, CA.


After winning his flight in the prelimaries going 5-0, he proceeded to rack up the same undefeated record in the semi-final flight. Then, in the last two matches in head-to-head competition he bested his long-standing rival Hugo Patino 30-13 in 18 innings (1.667) followed by his ultimate win against Luis Avila 35-26 in 21 innings (1.667.)


3-Cushion Billiard Tour “Shot-Contest” in Memphis at The Rack

 3-Cushion Billiard Tour “œShot-Contest”

The Rack in Memphis,Tn held there 4th Shot Contest with 6 pool players that signed in and willing to test their skills at the game of 3-Cushion Billiards. As the event date was set for Sunday at 1:00pm, on November 4th 2012, players had a full month to practice the shots. Entry Fee was only $15, plus Jerry Ramey owner of The Rack also included in a free lunch for the players.

Jason Evans, Bob Hunt, Don Cho, Jerry Ramey, Paul Dodge, Josh Gilmore

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