Category: Features

3-Cushion Regional Qualifier

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Left to right, Felipe & Hugo

Patino, Kolacz, Razon, and Ashby all earned their National entry at no charge, but had to play 2 final matches to determine the overall positions of finish in the Qualifier event and ranking points assigned by the USBA. Razon performed brilliantly as he defeated Patino by a score of 20 ““ 17 for 1st place honors. Meanwhile, Ashby sailed to victory over Kolacz 20 ““ 12 to win 3rd place positioning.


Super Bowl at The Rack

They came from all over to play in this great event that has been going on for 25 years right here in Memphis, TN. New owner Jerry Ramey, and tournament director Mark Dionne were very pleased when a full field of 128 players showed up on Friday.

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The tournament got underway on Friday night right after the Calcutta and continued into the late hours on Sunday morning. Entry fee was $25, Race to 7, Ladies get 2 games, played on 9 foot Diamond tables.

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